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Earn Millions / Week by Becoming a Writer at UC News! [Proven]

Hello friend, already know what it is uc news? Just yes, UC News is a news portal that being the child of UC.Ratusan of thousands and even millions of people every day to read the news in the UC News, to present a unique news news, breaking news throughout the world by the number of readers as much as it would make the UC news took steps to provide slots for writers around the world for air-participation in the news portal.

So how do I sign up to be active in the UC News writer and make money every day of writing and posting articles on the UC News?

Read: Proven + Image, Look How to Get FREE 2GB Without Quota Internet Applications, SMS Cuman

Usually, if people who do NOT know will answer the classic question, yes live for this article, then send to the UC, if in approved ya get money.

Not such a friend, be different if you want to be a writer in jalantikus and media babe, which is where we post an article today, had to wait several days or even weekly to get the approval that we deserve in posting.saya article as admin teqnoparadise will provide details about becoming author of the following news uc

Uc News Beda ...

Earn Millions / Week by Becoming a Writer at UC News! [Evidently] Earn Millions / Week by Becoming a Writer at UC News! [Proven]

I have already said, UC news more professional, even in recruiting writers to become a contributor, it should include identification numbers such as ID (Identity Card), so it can not be done by children who are still under the age of 17 years.

So sitemnya gini guys, we register uc news as a writer, login and post articles (such as entry to blogger .com) and then publish our article - can viewers >> - >> to make money, so we do not need to wait for approval a few days for articles we write

Updated January 24, 2017


When posting news articles on uc, not directly approved by the uc news, but the articles you post on the first selection, QUIET ONLY, because I'm sure 90% of you passed the selection of the article!

Why? ....

because the articles selected uc NOT detail really, most cuman in check image agree or disagree with the content, the original article (not the result Copas) or wasn't.It wrote that important, bahkana da tablets of articles whose content ONLY 1 pictures meme but has hundreds thousand viewers

Based on my experience, I've posted articles, but disapproved or REJECTED by the Ucnews BECAUSE Icon or thumbnail or picture in the article does NOT match the content, for example I post articles om om telolet, I love the picture pack jokowi, hehe.itu aja

Bottom line ... VERY EASY so that our writing in approved and published by the news uc

Update February 12, 2017

Some of the questions that came to me about UC News program this, please refer to ya

"Mas, monetization way how to let the dollar or the balance in news uc add"?

Answer: for monetization, it will be done after 1 week join as a content writer or writers uc news, so if it is still not one week has not been able to monetize, and my advice anyway 1 the first week do not have to post a lot of articles in uc news because if monetization account although not yet active can balance many viewers will not go, so posting articles and hooks viewers as much as possible later when active monetization

How to Monetize Uc News

Login to your account each media we uc

Click Reports - >> Select Revenue and see in the box with a picture of a green, if monetization has not been activated will appear the words "Monetization", please click

Note "if it is enabled monetization, one day later, or maybe sooner you'll get an email from the news that its contents uc that account monetization news uc you already active and to assure him again, please reopen in monetization pendapatan.kalau menu is active, certainly in the revenue section will appear the "Withdrawal" which had not been activated will appear when the "Monetization"

"Brother, why the data viewers and the balance did not increase"?

For data viewers, if the account is still active monetization, it will not appear as well as balance, that balance is updated every Wednesday one week, so in addition to Wednesday, the balance has not increased,

Initially I was also so, statistically article has not yet appeared, the balance of 0 and can not share posts to social media news uc, well that's because the account status is still not fully active mainly monetization,

To see statistics about the article, I think it is very easy, just log in and click the report - Statistical article >>

stats statistics news article writer uc uc news articles writer

There are two categories to be a writer at UC NEWS, one is private, and the second is TEAM

Depending you will choose which one, then what's the difference? The difference lies in that if we choose as the private quarters when we signed uc news, we can only focus on one category of areas of our writing? Do not be confused deh ...

Kan there are many categories of writing in uc news, sports, politics, and others, well, if we become a person, we just could post an article into the first selection of the category of the article, when fitting the registration uc news we chose the sport, then the articles we post is about sport

Tip: Choose a unique and intriguing article category when registering to be a writer at uc news, so that more viewers, why?

For example only, the article types of sports such as "The History of the battle Real Madrid Vs Barcelona", with the kind of article uni like "Fever Om Telolet Om", which will be widely read? Sure that includes all groups, because not everyone likes sports, but everyone curious about things unique and exciting, especially being viral

Well .... If Team, you can focus on a few categories of articles, this recommendation for you who really want to dive in and learn to be a writer, you can explore your writing talents in different areas of the article category, and remember, you get paid well depending on your contribution in the team, if you rarely post yes then the pay is small, I myself do not know how the payment system if it becomes tEAM, as a sign of my own personal, if good prospects, I will make myself at UC tEAM News

If the TEAM, uc news often hold a contest for teams that encompass most visitors or viewers will be awarded tens of millions of tablets, of course it will have to be divided equally to other members


The question that most in wait for the answer, according to several people who already join uc news and become active writer there, they did not know how the pay, because sometimes there are articles by the number of viewers to tens of thousands / articles, the pay is less with the article viewersnya ribuan.jadi better the main one is the net viewers as much and focus on writing

My friend, none of which produced 1 million more in 2 weeks, there are also more and of course there is also less of it, all depends on the hard work of our guys.

Then, to be the next topic of this article is ...

How Many Viewers at UC Got News?

Quiet, the news also helped uc why so many articles we read, when we pull the article, it would have received thousands or even hundreds of thousands of viewers without we promote to social media such as facebook or twitter and google plus

So, the focus had to write, write and write.

How? Keen to be a writer at uc news and make money at uc news?

If you still want to go, I will be guided step by step how you register to become a writer at uc news, follow the article below


Immediately, yes, click the registration link here

No 5 Step Up and Become a Writer at UC News "list - Email Verification >> - >> Type of Account - Account Information >> - >> Account Status

# Step1 [LIST]

Fill in your email and password will you use to sign in news uc

register to be a writer to be a writer uc uc news list news

# Step2 [Verify Email]

register to be a writer to be a writer uc uc news list news

Open the email that you fill this, and verification by clicking the link provided by the UC news

# Step3 [Account Type]

news writer account type uc uc news account type writer

Choose whether you will be the author of "Private" or "the Organization", for the difference already explained above

# Step4 [Account Information]

enter account information uc news writer enter account information uc news writer

Well here you should not be arbitrary, such as input the ID number and other identifying such category (type of article) that you select and also the phone number that is always active, so that if something happens to your news uc account is not lost

# Step5 [Account Status]

In this step, a step to be a writer uc news registration has been completed, later you will get the status of your account, usually at the beginning of the account status is not active, had to wait a few days, most only 3 days

Okay already all I have discussed above begin about how and what the advantages of being a writer in uc news, it all depends on you, as the title of the article, Earn Millions In 1 Week by Becoming a Writer Uc News, I can not guarantee you will earn like it, but I can emphasize, if you are writing articles unique and consistently, are increasingly good results, so it all depends on yourself later on, keep the spirit!



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